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[pofo_section_heading pofo_heading_type=”heading-style2″ heading_preview_image=”heading-style2″ pofo_title_font_weight=”400″ pofo_title_element_tag=”h1″ pofo_heading=”Content Strategist Intern” pofo_title_color=”#343a40″ pofo_title_font_size=”46px”][pofo_section_heading pofo_heading_type=”heading-style2″ heading_preview_image=”heading-style2″ desktop_display=”display-block” pofo_title_font_weight=”400″ pofo_title_element_tag=”h4″ pofo_heading=”Full-time” pofo_title_color=”#343a40″][vc_single_image image=”3434″ img_size=”full”][vc_empty_space height=”48px”]

There’s way too much content out there in the universe today. Everyone is publishing similar content about the same things, pushing their own agendas and trying to sell someone something.

It’s tiresome, boring, and readers have had enough of it.

At With Content, we want to change the way content is perceived.

We don’t believe in churning out bits of content that have obviously been thrown together as an afterthought.

We believe in meticulously crafting credible, authoritative longform content that potential customers will actually love.

To do that, we need top-notch writers who know how to tell a great story, or create the best resources possible on topics of interest.

Are you the one we’re looking for?

Still here? Great!


We’re looking for a Content Strategist Intern (with the potential to convert to full-time) who meets the following requirements:

  • Has a good understanding of how content marketing works
  • Understands the business side of writing
  • Has a strong grasp of web writing best practices
  • Has written for and/or grown a publication or blog
  • Knows what a good story looks like, and has the writing chops to pen and deliver them
  • Passionate about exploring sales, marketing, and other technology-related topics, and writing about them
  • Is keen to learn how to produce pieces like these


What you’ll be doing:

  • Write, edit, and deliver 1 to 3 blog posts per week
  • Work closely with our managing editor to deliver articles to our clients that are publish-ready and fit their voice
  • Assist our managing editor in coming up with fresh, compelling topic ideas that will attract customers for the clients we work with
  • Assist our managing editor (yes, you’ll be working with her a lot) to improve our editorial and publishing systems
  • Work alongside a talented team of freelance writers and designers


Why work with us?

  • Work from wherever in the world you want to. We treat each other like adults, trusting each other to do our best work
  • Work with our team of 11, spread out across Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the United Kingdom. You’ll spend most of your time working with our managing editor, Katrina, and co-founder, Daniel
  • We work with some amazing companies and personalities in the tech world. Some of their names will be very familiar to you (and you’ll get the opportunity to know them very well indeed)
  • We write for humans first, search engines second. Good writing will always be the top priority
  • We don’t just do blog posts. Our writers get to work on infographics, ebooks, case studies, email newsletters, and so on


Interested? Drop us an email with at least 3 relevant writing samples, and tell us why you want to work with us.
