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Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me (Visual Deeper #24)

deeper tech newsletter southeast asia

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And that’s what we’re bringing to you. We’ll dive deep into a trending topic in Southeast Asian tech, and their impact on society (i.e. me and you).

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deeper tech newsletter southeast asia
Your deep dive into Southeast Asian tech

Without further ado, let’s dive in.



Hi readers,

Jan here. Welcome to another visual edition of Deeper!

Did you buy something this 11.11? Let me correct that—how many items did you buy this 11.11? How about the recent Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales?

Over the past couple of months, many of my friends have been bemoaning the need to control themselves during the sales season. Myself included—as I was doing research for this Deeper edition, I stumbled upon the Black Friday promotion by gaming chair manufacturer SecretLab (which undoubtedly derailed my work for that few minutes), and I started coming up with reasons why I need a chair now.

Then I paused, and realized that my reasons to purchase only emerged after being enticed by the sale—it was, really, more justification rather than reasoning.

That led me to wonder if we are actually benefiting from the eCommerce festive sales that take place year after year in Southeast Asia. On a superficial level, it seems to be a win-win situation, where consumers get to save money and businesses get to earn from selling more.

However, looking beneath the surface, there are questionable implications of these sales for not only consumers and businesses, but society and the environment on the whole as well.

In this visual edition, we ask how we can do better as a people amid this festive season.

 Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me

 Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me

Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me

Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and meWho are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and meWho are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me

Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me

Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me

Who are the real winners of the eCommerce festive sales? Spoiler alert: probably not you and me



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Jan Chiang

Jan lives and breathes design. In between lettering and embroidery, she also manages all things admin, accounts, and business development at With Content.