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Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

deeper tech newsletter southeast asia

A warm welcome to the Deeper newsletter, dear reader!

You’re reading this because, just like us, you’re tired of the non-stop tech and startup news cycle, where there seems to be something new and trendy to keep up with in Southeast Asia.

What you want to know about is the important stuff that matters—period.

And that’s what we’re bringing to you. We’ll dive deep into a trending topic in Southeast Asian tech, and their impact on society (i.e. me and you).

Sound compelling? Subscribe now, and we’ll send it straight to your inbox:

deeper tech newsletter southeast asia
Your deep dive into Southeast Asian tech

Without further ado, let’s dive in.



Hey readers, my name is Darius, and I’m the Content Producer at With Content 😊.

My inspiration for this Deeper issue comes from watching the Netflix show, The Social Dilemma, over the weekend.

Watching this show got me thinking, “what is the attention economy all about and how many people are unaware of the addictive implications of social media apps?”

It’s pretty scary how social media and mobile apps have come to dominate our daily lives. Personally, I find it hard to pull myself away from the screen now and then.

In this visual newsletter, we will explore ways to manage our screen time and what we, as a society, should do to regulate the attention economy in the long run.

If you’ve watched The Social Dilemma and have any thoughts on it, share them on our new LinkedIn group, Deeper by With Content. All are welcome to join!

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)

Visual: How technology hijacks our attention and what we can do about it (Deeper #19)



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Darius Tay

Darius is a Content Producer at With Content. In his free time—when he's not writing articles or crafting up designs—he enjoys taking photos and diving into a good book with a cup of coffee nearby.