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Visual: The role of technology in social (in)equality (Deeper #15)

deeper tech newsletter southeast asia

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What you want to know about is the important stuff that matters—period.

And that’s what we’re bringing to you. We’ll dive deep into a trending topic in Southeast Asian tech, and their impact on society (i.e. me and you).

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deeper tech newsletter southeast asia
Your deep dive into Southeast Asian tech


Welcome to our 15th edition of Deeper. My name is Jan, and I’m the “chapalang” (which means random, do-it-all, in Singlish) person at With Content.

I’ve always been intrigued by how humans behave and relate to one another. As such, in my not-so-distant past, I majored in Sociology in University, which opened up a whole new world into thinking further about society, and of particular interest to me, social inequalities.

For the past year, I’ve been based out of Chiang Mai, serving local communities alongside my work. Seeing and experiencing for myself the different lives of people has given me fresh eyes in so many ways.

This week, we’re looking at the role of technology in alleviating—and in some cases, causing—social inequality and income disparity. This is a topic that’s so close to my heart.

As a designer, I also wanted to bring something different to this week’s edition of Deeper—hence why this edition is in infographic format.

My team and I hope that you will enjoy this and future visual editions of Deeper. Without further ado, let’s dive in:

The role of technology in social inequality

The role of technology in social inequality

The role of technology in social inequality


(Click here to download your copy of this infographic)



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Jan Chiang

Jan lives and breathes design. In between lettering and embroidery, she also manages all things admin, accounts, and business development at With Content.