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Reaching the Top 1% on LinkedIn: How Financial Advisor Jaslyn Ng Lands C-Suite Clients with Content Marketing

Marketing to C-Suite executives can be very challenging.

With the weight of entire organisations on their shoulders and the same number of waking hours as you and I, these leaders have a lot on their plate. It can be difficult for marketers to capture their attention for even a second.

The only way to do this is by differentiating yourself, and establishing trust and credibility.

For financial services director Jaslyn Ng, content marketing was the secret weapon.

In 2017, Jaslyn was in the human resources (HR) field but switched to the financial services sector when she was still reeling from a divorce. She had to start from the bottom and work her way upwards fast.

“I had to make it work,” recalls Jaslyn.

Flash forward to 2023, and Jaslyn has achieved Top of the Table (TOT) status, according to Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), a global association of financial services professionals that recognises the field’s top 10%.

Here’s how she did it.

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Relatable + engaging message = top 1%

Interestingly, differentiation wasn’t on her mind when she decided to give content marketing a try. It was only because the traditional ways of marketing financial advisory services required costs and resources that Jaslyn did not have then.

Then, she went on LinkedIn and saw that only a few experts were sharing financial advice in an engaging way.

“Posting on LinkedIn didn’t cost anything. So I decided to build my brand first with a relatable message, and think about selling later,” Jaslyn explains.

Deliver value first, and sell later. The perfect summary of what great content marketing looks like. But back then, Jaslyn had no idea she was taking her first steps down the right path.

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Jaslyn’s relatable message was this: You can build your career and gain financial freedom without losing sight of your family priorities.

She started talking about the universal struggle of parents: Splitting their time, resources, and mental strength between kids, work, and self—a scenario where the self often comes last.

“When we have the financial resources, we buy ourselves time. We can say no to things we do not want to do,” explains Jaslyn.

This message struck a chord with a large social media audience, allowing Jaslyn to build her brand in front of a growing audience and become a top-of-mind adviser. She has achieved an Industry Social Selling Index (SSI) and a Network SSI of 1% on LinkedIn, which means she is in the top 1% of her industry and her online network.

She also receives leads consistently from her social media audience, from LinkedIn to Facebook and Instagram.

Jaslyn’s earliest success came from her first LinkedIn post, “What Happened When I Start to Wake Up at 5 am Daily for 3 Months,” which went viral and garnered a staggering 2,700 likes within just four days:

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To this day, the post continues to generate engagement on LinkedIn, accumulating 44,540 likes, 496 comments, and over 120,000 views as of this writing.

Despite being a newcomer in the financial services sector, her unique content marketing strategy allowed her to quickly catch up with her peers as potential clients began seeking her out as a trusted thought leader and advisor.

Remarkably, within a mere four years of implementing her content marketing tactics, she found herself in a unique position to serve a niche market that many advisers could only dream of engaging: the C-Suite.

Jaslyn attributes her success in attracting, engaging, and maintaining her target clientele of C-Suite executives to three key ingredients: authenticity, consistency, and originality.

What she has achieved using this formula underscores the power of a well-executed content marketing approach in not only attracting clients but also establishing a strong reputation in a competitive industry.

And you can do the same, too.

How to market to C-Suite clients

1. Authenticity

Many content marketers may tell you to create a persona, but Jaslyn finds no need for one. She wants her social media engagement and personal engagement to be congruent.

“Everything I write is authentic. Being authentic means I make sure the person others see online is the same person they meet offline,” she explains. “This genuineness helps me differentiate myself from others.”

This approach works well with C-Suite executives who need to know more about each professional knocking on their door quickly.

“They can find out about me through my posts, and they don’t have to know only about my work. When they do schedule to meet with me, they already know a lot about me and what I can do,” Jaslyn explains. “They see that I’m the same person, and it’s easier to build a relationship with them.”

In 2017, most professionals were unwilling to be vulnerable on social media. But Jaslyn was willing to put herself out there. While many professionals see the benefit of social media influence now, she already has a six-year headstart.

Today, Jaslyn has over 5,000 followers on LinkedIn, and still writes each post personally.

2. Consistency

Many people might rest on their laurels knowing their first post has gone viral, but Jaslyn took hers as a stepping stone toward continuing the conversation with her growing audience.

She started on LinkedIn, but now also posts on Instagram and Facebook, ensuring that her content is tailored for each channel. Today, Jaslyn recognises plenty of financial advisors on social media, but notices that “they don’t post as consistently as I do,” which she believes is a key reason why she is able to stay ahead of the pack.

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Indeed, many an aspiring content marketer has fallen off the radar due to an inconsistency publishing schedule. It’s okay to start small, maybe by posting once a week, and then working your way up to two or three times a week. If you’re up for it, it is also good to have a stockpile of posts to share on a rainy day.

As Jaslyn posts and engages more, she’s able to build on budding relationships with corporate leaders who typically do not just meet with anyone.

“Because I’m consistent, I am always on people’s minds,” says Jaslyn. “Potential C-Suite clients think, ‘I always see Jaslyn’s posts. I know what she’s up to. Maybe I can contact her about my financial planning question.’”

3. Originality

When attempting to publish content consistently, however, it’s crucial to be cautious of not sounding like a broken record.

Coming up with new ways of presenting Jaslyn’s core message has been a tricky but necessary part of her content marketing process, considering financial information tends to be dry and complex.

“We lose our audience when we talk about the same concepts in the same way all the time. You have to make it relatable,” Jaslyn explains. “To be in the 1%, you must be willing to do the things that the other 99% are not: generating content consistently and taking an extra step to make it relatable.”

Consider taking on a non-threatening storytelling approach. For example:

❌ “Inflation in Singapore has increased by 6.5% in 2023.”

✅ “A tray of eggs cost you $3 before, but now it’s $4.”

For C-Suite executives, being original is critical, as they most likely already know the nitty gritty of financial planning. What is more likely to catch their eye is content that goes the extra mile, and is presented in such a way communicates credibility and trustworthiness.

Additionally, it’s important to have your own take on issues and news, and dare to present it to your audience. This is especially important with the rise of technologies like ChatGPT—a unique stand will set you apart from the crowd of rehashed content.

“A part of me is worried about AI, but I believe technology can broaden our horizons. I can take advantage of it without losing my originality and ability to communicate like a human,” shares Jaslyn.

Playing the long game in content marketing

Many people aspire to become social media influencers for superficial reasons, but platforms like LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to impact a specific community positively.

And to be successful in content marketing, it is important to have a purpose that goes beyond simply generating leads and closing sales.

Jaslyn’s overarching purpose is to help others while achieving financial freedom and creating time to parent two well-adjusted kids. She believes that it’s essential to come back to this purpose regularly to stay focused and motivated in content marketing.

Beyond social media engagements comes the real work of nurturing client relationships and providing quality financial advice. But for Jaslyn, her work does not stop at helping others through financial planning: she is using her platform to do charitable work as well.

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Recently, Jaslyn started to put together webinars where she and other experts share their insights with people who want to learn more about their financial planning and career options. One of their webinars raised over $3,000, which Jaslyn and her peers donated to the victims of the Turkey-Syria earthquakes.

By giving back to the community, Jaslyn creates a sense of goodwill around her brand and establishes herself as a true thought leader in the industry.

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Chiara Mesiona

Chiara is a content writer by day, a law student by night, and a round-the-clock mom. Her published stories cover business, entrepreneurship and tech.