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25 Questions to Make Your KOLs Keen to Publish Content (Rise #14)

convince KOLs

Happy National Day to our readers in Singapore!

It’s a holiday for most of you, so we’re keeping this Rise edition short and sweet.

Brain teasers for your KOLs

A huge headache for many marketers is getting their company’s key opinion leaders (KOLs) invested in content.

KOLs are busy people, after all. And sometimes, even if they’re willing to sit for an interview, they’re not sure they have enough to say about a topic to create compelling content.

We can help you get over this rut.

Here’s a list of 25 questions you can ask to find a strong angle for thought leadership. Treat these as brain teasers — ideation prompts that will help your KOLs realize they have something valuable to share and publish.

You can find a PDF version of this infographic here.

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Katrina Balmaceda Uy

Katrina's been with With Content from year 1. She previously worked at content marketing agency Animalz, and with print magazines and newspapers. She's happiest when teaching, swimming, and spending time with her kids.